Facility Owners and the perceived risks related to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

The most common question from Facility Owners and Managers is how to control the perceived risk from COVID-19 associated with their properties in the event that a person with assumed COVID-19 case enters their facility. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), most American workers will likely experience low or medium exposure risk …

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How clean is clean? Verification testing in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the recent events that are happening with the COVID-19 pandemic a very interesting question has been posed to a lot of facility managers building owners alike.  Building owners and facility managers are engaging cleaning and restoration companies to either do a preemptive cleaning where there are no known cases or even suspected cases. The …

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Worker Protection for Maintenance Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Group of Contractors Surveying a Site

As the landscape for COVID-19 cleanup jobs progress, the most common question Essel Staffing has been getting is: how are workers being protected while cleaning areas that might be affected by COVID-19? The most common type of cleaning project Essel Staffing is working on related to the COVID-19 pandemic falls under the following three categories: …

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How to protect yourself, your employees, and your facility from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Woman Cleaning Laptop

By now, we’ve all had an overload of information regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the outbreak of respiratory illnesses (COVID-19) it’s been causing. Whatever your state or city’s restrictions regarding the virus, we all want to keep ourselves, our facilities, and our employees as safe as possible. However, amid the abundance of information out …

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Environmental & Ecological Trends to Watch for in 2020

Every year here at Essel Environment, we devote some time to look at pertinent environmental as well as ecological trends that we face in our global society. Some of these trends, such as climate change, are perennial and are very familiar; other trends, however, are relatively obscure, known primarily by researchers, academicians, or specialists in …

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How to Determine the Composition of Soil

What is the composition of soil? Soil contains both organic and non-organic materials, both of which are necessary for good root growth and plant development. Depending on the type of plants being planted in the soil, some may have better adaptations to certain components than others. Through in-field testing (such as rolling soil together to …

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Does a Phase 1 ESA Meet the Requirements for a HUD Loan?

A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA) is a report that is used to assess current and historical uses or impacts on a property. It helps determine if there is any existing or potential contamination of the site that could cause harm to human health or the environment. A Phase 1 ESA is …

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How Long Does a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Take?

A phase 1 ESA can take fewer than two weeks for an ideal location with little to no development history. For a project with substantial documentation at the local and state level to review, the site assessment can last several weeks. Typical total time for a phase 1 esa = 2-4 weeks average. The time …

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Why Are Environmental Site Assessments Important?

Every goal has its obstacles. From the inception of the idea of your business to the challenges you may have faced in implementing those concepts, you are no stranger to the hard work, determination, and patience required along the way. When it comes to finding a home for your business, actual bricks and mortar also mean the …

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What Is the Impact of California Wildfires on the Environment?

Albert Hammond’s famous song from the early 1970s says “It Never Rains in Southern California.” But over the past four-plus years his song title could be rightfully changed to “It Never Rains Anywhere in California!” In 2018 California entered its fourth year of a record-breaking drought. And it is one that has wreaked havoc upon …

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